Each one of us has distinct memories of spending our free time in playgrounds and parks when we were children. With the significant growth towards technology, we have reduced our outdoor time and prefer to spend it hooked onto our smartphones. Living in gated communities or stand-alone apartments, we have the freedom to interact with those around us, instead, we favour our phones and computers over social interactions.
The children of this generation are handed over the phones and tablets by their parents at an early age, just to keep them occupied. Instead, we can spend at least an hour every day to take the kids to a playground or a park and let them mingle with other children of their age. This one hour will help develop their communication skills. It strengthens our bond with them, we get to play alongside them and understand their thoughts and ideas.
Staying outdoors is one of the many choices that help in keeping a healthy lifestyle. Playing a sport promotes discipline and encourages us to build mutual respect and cooperation for one another. When children involve themselves in free play, they let their imagination flow free and choose to make their own rules. Through this, they are prone to believe that nothing is impossible and that creativity knows no bound. Feeling the sunlight and breeze around us enhances a fresher mind and inculcates positive thoughts. Involvement of ourselves in any outdoor activity, help us to learn dexterity and decision-making.
The schedule of the week is usually jam-packed and hectic. We barely give ourselves enough space to breathe or spend quality time with ourselves. It is ideal to take a walk with our folks around the neighbourhood and share our events of the day with them. Living in a community or an apartment, we can utilize some time in gardening for a greener tomorrow. The possibilities are endless when you have open spaces around you. Gardening helps in reducing tension, agitation, anxiety and gives us a sense of responsibility.
It is our responsibility to build a better today for our children. Whether we live in a gated community or an individual apartment, we are always surrounded by open spaces and playground, which enhances a healthy life. We need to step out of the confines and comfort of our homes and gadgets and make an effort to spend a little extra time and enjoy in the lap of nature.